News Releases

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Photo: © UNHCR / Roger Arnold

UNHCR-OECD study: 2 million displaced people granted entry permits over a decade to rebuild lives

UNHCR-OECD study: 2 million displaced people granted entry permits over a decade to rebuild lives

A new report released today shows that more than 2 million people displaced by conflict and crises received entry permits granted by 37 OECD countries and Brazil between 2010 and 2021.

These permits have offered a vital lifeline for refugees, allowing them to reunite with their families, pursue education and work opportunities and be nominated for sponsorship support.

News Comment by UNHCR’s EU Representative on launch of Spanish Presidency of the European Union

News Comment by UNHCR’s EU Representative on launch of Spanish Presidency of the European Union

As Spain prepares to take over the Presidency of the European Union (EU), UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is hopeful that it will build on the achievements of the outgoing Swedish Presidency in advancing the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. This is vital to break years of deadlock on EU asylum matters that – the Ukraine refugee response aside – has put lives and rights in danger, with a dark shadow over the EU’s approach to asylum.

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