News Releases

We bring you the most up-to-date information from UNHCR Canada through news releases.

Photo: © UNHCR / Roger Arnold

Refugees continue to reach Yemen by sea despite conflict

Refugees continue to reach Yemen by sea despite conflict

GENEVA, Oct 27 (UNHCR)—Almost 70,000 refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants—primarily from Ethiopia and Somalia—have reached Yemen by sea so far this year, despite on-going conflict and a deepening humanitarian crisis there, the UN refugee agency said on Tuesday. The...

UNHCR flags winter relief operations for refugees

UNHCR flags winter relief operations for refugees

GENEVA, Oct 23 (UNHCR)—The UN refugee agency said today it had begun distributing raincoats, blankets and other relief items to tens of thousands of refugees buffeted by the first winter storms that have already struck many parts of Central and South Eastern Europe,...

Fleeing gangs, Salvadoran tailors make new life in Mexico

Fleeing gangs, Salvadoran tailors make new life in Mexico

TAPACHULA, Mexico, Oct 23 (UNHCR)—Alfonso*, his wife and their three children live in just one sweltering room in southern Mexico, the large sewing machine in the middle of the floor a reminder of the livelihood they left behind when they fled gang violence in El...

Number of sea arrivals in Greece hits half million mark

Number of sea arrivals in Greece hits half million mark

GENEVA, Oct 20 (UNHCR)—Sea arrivals so far this year to Greece have now passed the half-million mark with the arrival yesterday on the Aegean Islands of nearly 8,000 people, the UN refugee agency said today. It added that the latest arrivals had taken the overall...

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