News Releases

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Photo: © UNHCR / Roger Arnold

High Commissioner’s closing statement to the seventy-fifth plenary session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme

High Commissioner’s closing statement to the seventy-fifth plenary session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme

As we conclude another session of the Executive Committee, let me thank all of you for your engagement, your support, and for the frank exchanges during the week. I, along with the senior UNHCR team, listened closely to every single one of your statements. And you heard me, I replied to all 152 statements during the general debate. I thank all those who have made efforts to keep the focus of our discussion firmly on issues of our immediate, humanitarian concern.

States must protect stateless refugees and asylum-seekers: UN human rights experts

States must protect stateless refugees and asylum-seekers: UN human rights experts

The launch of the Global Alliance to End Statelessness is a key opportunity to accelerate efforts to eradicate statelessness. This serious global human rights issue affects millions of people who are deprived of a nationality. As a result, they face barriers in accessing services essential for realizing their human rights to education, employment, and healthcare, among others.

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