Restoring peace must become a priority, says Guterres

Restoring peace must become a priority, says Guterres

GENEVA, Dec 18 (UNHCR)—Renewed efforts to bring peace to conflicts across the world must become the priority of the international community if current record levels of global displacement are not to continue, António Guterres, the outgoing head of the UN Refugee...
As sea levels rise, Bangladeshis seek higher ground

As sea levels rise, Bangladeshis seek higher ground

COX’S BAZAR, Bangladesh, Dec 15 (UNHCR)—When a cyclone struck low-lying Kutubdia Island in 1991, the water surged across Nur Jahan’s plot of farmland, swallowed up her home and swept away all six of her children. “The sea simply ate it,” she...
Don’t give terror groups propaganda says Guterres

Don’t give terror groups propaganda says Guterres

GENEVA, Dec 10, (UNHCR)—The head of the UN Refugee Agency António Guterres has warned that anti-Muslim rhetoric, including pressure for tighter border controls, could backfire and play into the hands of terror groups. “What you are saying (with this) is the best...
Urgent action needed to address child statelessness

Urgent action needed to address child statelessness

Nov 3 (UNHCR) – Thirteen-year-old Joe Hullman dreams of playing baseball in his native Dominican Republic. But because he has no birth certificate or identity papers, he scavenges instead for scrap metal at the San Pedro de Macoris municipal dump. Half a world away in...
UNHCR airlifts emergency relief to Algeria flood victims

UNHCR airlifts emergency relief to Algeria flood victims

TINDOUF, Algeria, Oct 30 (UNHCR)—The UN refugee agency has airlifted emergency aid including tents, blankets and plastic sheeting to distribute to as many as 11,000 refugee families at five camps in southwestern Algeria devastated by heavy rains and flooding....

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